12 Things And Their Responses Clients Servicing Executives (CSE) Should Never Say To A Graphic Designer.

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12 Things And Their Responses Clients Servicing Executives (CSE) Should Never Say To A Graphic Designer.
12 Things And Their Responses Clients Servicing Executives (CSE) Should Never Say To A Graphic Designer.

If you have actually worked in a creative agency or firm of any kind, you must be aware for sure the relationship between Client Servicing Executives (CSE's) and Graphic Designers. There is this scenario whereby Client Servicing Executives have to manage client expectations and their primary objective is to keep the client happy, while Graphic Designers also wants to keep the client happy too, but they do not want to basically compromise on aesthetics and creativity.

So taking note of this situation, below are 12 Things And Their Responses Clients Servicing Executives Should Never Say To Aa Graphic Designer.

1. I Would Have Designed This Better If I Knew Photoshop.
R. Photoshop is not the only graphical software graphic designers use, perhaps the graphic designers must have composed your work using one or more graphical software.

2. Something Is Missing In This Design But I Don't Know What.
R. Do you think the graphic designer is a wizard or a witch to go deep down your mind to figure out what is missing and try to put it in the design and even see if it will work. He has tried to replicate your thought, he has tried and he deserves some accolades.

3. Can You Tone Down The Background Colour
R. Toning down the background colour has nothing to do with your piece so just stop stressing the poor graphic designer, the way you sense the work is actually different from the way the next person close to you also senses it.

4. The Client Will Reject This, I Know Him Very Well.
R. If I may ask when have you become the client, just allow the end client speak for him or herself, just try to be optimistic and watch the situation as it unveils itself. Just stop being a pessimist.

5. I Have Seen This Design Somewhere......................But Cannot recollect Where.
R. Where did you see the design? if you can show me just shut your trap and let's get back to work.

6. This Colour Is So Dull; Use A Different Colour.
R. Do you know there exists a colour wheel? Just like the chemist uses the periodic table of elements, graphic designers also use the colour well to chose which colour is just right, when it comes to colour just let the graphic designers do his or her thing okay.

7. You Cannot Fall Sick. Today Is Our Deadline.
R. Wait a moment and think, it is really a big deal for someone to tell you that he or she is not feeling fine, so how on earth should you take that for granted, what if the designer falls sick and dies I don't think you will open your trap to say all those rubbish. you need to sympathise and wish him a quick recovery, human relation matters a lot.

8. I have Shared Some References, The layout Should Be Exactly Like That, But Yet Look Different.
if I may ask, what you are designing isn't in any of those references right? good, so don't think that the graphic designer is a magician to automatically make things look like what you sent him, equally you can contact the person who designed the ones you sent him and let him do the job for you.

9. The White Is Not Bright Enough; Can We Use A Bright Colour.
Hahaha White isn't a colour its a tint, and pure white is actually the brightest you can get, I have told you above that anything about colour just leave the graphics designer to do his or her thing by making use of the colour wheel.   

10. There is too much Of Negative Space, Can You Put Something There.
R. They is a principle that we graphic designers follow and that is "Keeping It Simple and Stupid", so seeing spaces on a design doesn't mean something is missing, it is intentional okay, overcrowding a design makes it so busy and it's not cool.

11. I Need The Design Tomorrow Morning, Will Brief You By End Of Day.
R. For you to say this alone you are selfish, you don't even asked or cared about the schedule of the graphic designer all you care is about him delivering your job, seriously you are lucky you ain't my client, I rest my case.

12. The Design Should Be Out of The Box, But Don't Waste Much Time On It. 
R. Do you know what it takes a graphic designer to replicate that design in your mind, mind you we also research, and in that process, a lot of time is spent. So I will advise you to be patient and be optimistic as your design is on the way.

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