A Great Country - By Sunny Arome

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A Great Country - By Sunny Arome
A Great Country - By Sunny Arome

There was a country where we foresaw more than half of a yellow sun, where we believed things would never fall apart no matter the paleness of the purple hibiscus, no matter how tight the thing, bonds around our necks were.

There was a country where hope brought about ease in the land, where a mother’s choice was held paramount and even if a chap claimed to be an Americanah, he would fall to order when the Judge and Jury question his identity.

There was a country where petals of blood were seen and not ignored, where cases of husbands going mad were dealt with forthwith, where men of the people took a stand against pride, prejudice and bore arrows from the gods for their people.

There was a country where the beautiful ones were cradled in due season, where the people never walked in darkness and old men never went to the sea….where merchants came from Venice and rich men came from Babylon. A country where people held journeying to the heart of the sea in search of big fish in high esteem and abhorred stooping low to conquer scrooges, a land where the young ladies preferred their native names to names like “Serena” and the Lordships were more concerned about justice than gold rings.

There really was a country where even the longest rides were pleasurable and anthills graced the savannah, a land where animals stayed on farms and deal brokers were incorruptible judges in echoey hard times….there was and there will be A Great Country.

About The Writer

Sunny Arome
Sunny Arome
Arome Sunny, is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State. He has been writing for a while now and his writings cuts across poems, inspirational writeup, drama etc, he enjoys translating his imaginations and thoughts into writing for the benefit of mankind.
You can reach Arome Sunny on:
Facebook: @Arome Ojima Sunny.
Instagram: @Xclusiv___sunny.
Email via: sunnyarome@gmail.com

Latest: Researchers Make Super Cheap Smartphone Sperm Fertility Test

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Latest: Researchers Make Super Cheap Smartphone Sperm Fertility Test
Latest: Researchers Make Super Cheap Smartphone Sperm Fertility Test

Just of recent, some Harvard researchers have just developed a super new device that in turn helps men to easily measure their fertility at home and within their convenience just with their smartphone and may be few apparels. Nevertheless, While similar test kits such as the Yo Device exist and i did cover it on one of my recent post on Yo Device : Yo Device Show You Live Motion Video Of Your Sperm [Photos], so what majorly sets this prototype apart is just their affordability. So Costing just about $4.45 to make, and this impressive prototype just takes less than five seconds to test your little swimmers (Sperm) as some may call it, also analyzing their count in numbers and finally checking the ability of the sperm cell to swim with 98 percent accuracy. Well as for me, that is a great one. 

Nevertheless, instead of simply relying solely on an application like the similar at-home sperm fertility tests, this method which the researcher did find out also utilizes a tech-filled smartphone case to assist in the whole process. So Using a disposable microfluidic chip with a tiny tube, participants or male who are interested in checking their sperm fertility test can draw up to about 35 microlitres of semen inside of its bulb, and then slotting the sealed sample safely back inside the smartphone case. So with everything in place and the sperm sample taken, the device's LEDs and lenses illuminate and also magnify the sperm-packed chip, thus allowing the application to basically analyze your swimmers using stills taken from videos by your Smartphone's camera.

However, the only downside that one can figure out about this sperm fertility test method is that it struggles to detect deformed sperm which is indeed a crucial part of assessing fertility. Furthermore. with the device still in the early stages of prototyping, however, the researchers of the device still remain confident that a better processing algorithms and a more enhanced upgraded hardware could quickly help the device overcome these limitations the researchers said.

Furthermore, while method hasn't been the first method used equally allow men to test their sperm fertility test, but it could certainly be one of the best method used to carry out the sperm fertility test. As i earlier did mention, the previously announced fertility applications such as, Yo and Trak have indeed offered similar the at-home sperm fertility testing solutions as well, so with Trak already receiving its FDA approval which on the other hand is a good news for its OEM. However, while Trak requires one to enter information from its measurement device manually, this new method which the researchers have found out simply allows its users to get the same results with minimal or less effort. On the other hand, Yo is also a bit lacking in comparison if you really did want to come the both. So offering an application-only solution which in turn measure's swimming ability, Yo unfortunately involves users getting their sperm sample uncomfortably close to your smartphone's camera, which may look a little bit disgusting to some user.

Nevertheless, statistics has shown that with an estimated number of about 30 million men facing fertility issues around the world, this new device which the researchers did find out could inturn help guys and men out there to easily and painlessly get themselves tested with less stress and at their convenience. So still, on the other hand with the as yet untitled device currently lacking the FDA approval and any kind of available marketing strategy, it could well be years before the the impressive new test makes its way into its users homes.

Yes! Children Are Gift From God, Don't Misunderstand

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Yes! Children Are Gift From God, Don't Misunderstand
Yes! Children Are Gift From God, Don't Misunderstand

I often shudder when I hear people referring to children as " Riches " from God in an attempt to show what they have been successful at in life. Some people have this delusion that if they cannot be successful at anything else in life, getting married and filling the earth with their DNA is an equivalent. That is absolutely Wrong!

At the barber shop this evening I heard some random guy talking. He claimed to be better off than his rich younger brother because even though his brother has a lot of money, he only has two daughters. He on the other hand may not have any money but he has seven children three of them boys! And guess what? His wife is still expecting! In conclusion, he is really proud of himself and is convinced that he is way more successful in life than his brother.

The kids are out of school, but it does not matter because the girls will soon be old enough to get married. Then he will be paid a handsome fee as bride price for all four of them or five. Then they will become another man's problem. The boys will learn some craft or trade or whatever. They will find a way. Men always do. I literally cannot hide my disgust right now. The fact that people who think like this still walk this earth sickens me.

Having a bunch of kids is not a definition of success! Rats and cockroaches have that much success too and you do not see them bragging about it. People need to understand that there is more to being a parent than being an excellent sperm donor and an ever willing surrogate mother. The real success is taking care of your kids and giving them a fair shot at a comfortable life. Anything short of that is barbarism take it or leave it.

Stop bringing children you cannot afford to take care of into this world with nothing more than the off chance that some of them might turn out okay, it is totally wrong! Stop and have a rethink once more.

Marriage And The African Girl Child ( Love Or Age ) - True Fact

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Marriage And The African Girl Child ( Love Or Age ) - True Fact
Marriage And The African Girl Child ( Love Or Age ) - True Fact

At 17 years or age I fell in love for the second time, and to the best of my knowledge, she was in love with me too, but there was a problem we were both born in the same year. Somehow, this was a big problem for her. I could not get her to ignore the age bracket thing, eventually, she broke up with me. Her breakup speech went thus... " Jude, this relationship is pointless. There can be no future for us together because we are age mates. We cannot get married, I need an older man in my life; someone who can make me a wife ".

That was by far the most ridiculous break up I have had my entire life. It still amuses me sometimes especially when I think about it. Why was marriage so important to this teenage girl barely out of secondary school? And why must it be an older man? These were questions popping out my brain. Welcome to the life of the African girl child.

The African girl child is brought up her whole life for one purpose only, to be a " Wife ". From the moment she draws her first breath, she is taught the etiquettes of a proper ' Wife Material ' ( whatever the hell that means ). Everything she does, all the choices she makes, is all directed to this singular purpose. To be a good housewife.

Her greatest achievement in life is " Marriage ". Her sole purpose of existence is to compliment a man. Her life is not fulfilled if someone does not make her an agent of procreation. She is so preoccupied with thoughts of matrimony that she barely has any space left in her head for anything else. No matter how many doctorate degrees she bags, it is all vanity if there isn't a ' Mrs ' on the prefix of her name.

I have heard African parents time and again, say to their little daughters when they misbehave, " Is this how you will behave when you get to your husband's house? ", little girls not older than 7 or 8 years of age. Is that really all the African girl child is good for? Was she born only to clean, cook and bear children for the man? Why is so much of our culture dedicated to objectifying women?

We can talk about the ills of misogyny, bride price, child brides, domestic violence and paedophilia against the girl child all we like but if the basic mentality of the African girl child is not improved upon, we are barely wasting our time.

Africans, How Fair Is Our Religiousness?

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Africans, How Fair Is Our Religiousness?
Africans, How Fair Is Our Religiousness?

As much as I hold a contrary view to the popular religious beliefs in this country Nigeria ( I have been told I am an atheist), I am still one hundred percent pro-choice regardless. I believe that everyone deserves equal freedom of choice to believe in whatever they want to believe in, as long as they are not hurting anyone or posing a nuisance to others in the process. You can choose to believe in unicorns if you wish, you can also choose to believe that unicorns live in shoes.

But the day you start dictating to others how to wear their shoes so they do not upset the unicorns, that is when I have a serious problem with you and your fantasies. The level of religious intolerance in this country Nigeria is just ridiculous! And most times we like to blame the Muslims for it, but what about the Christians? Are they any better? Most times, Christians do not even realize how inappropriate or annoying some of their actions are.

From that church behind your house that does not allow you to sleep at night with their incessant babbling, to the early morning preacher who always wakes you up a couple hours before your alarm clock to tell you how you are damned and going to hell, to the harassing chain messages on Facebook and Whatsapp that threatens you with seven years of bad luck and misfortune if you do not accept Jesus Christ as your lord and personal Savior... the list is endless.

Now Here Is One Practical Example!

Every last Friday of the month, the market in my town is not opened for business till about noon. The reason is, the Christians lock the whole place down so they can cast and bind every evil spirit in the market hindering their progress ( Because demons actually play a crucial role in the economic retardation of a nation SMH ). Now, it does not matter what religion you affiliate with, or whether you do not even have one at all, Everyone is forced to stay outside until prayers are over. If this is not religious intolerance, I don't know what is.

Supposing a bunch of traditional African religious faithful decided to also pull a stunt like that? Supposing they set aside a certain Afor market day every month to sacrifice cattle to Eru the god of wealth and success, to ask for his divine favors right in front of the market place, thus disrupting business activities for hours. Just imagine the amount of hostility they would be met with? The Christians would rather burn the whole place to the ground before they allow such a thing to happen. Think about it for a moment, and tell me in all honesty if it's fair. Now I leave you here to answer for yourself.

Stop And Say No To Jungle Justice In Nigeria And Africa.

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Stop And Say No To Jungle Justice In Nigeria And Africa.
Stop And Say No To Jungle Justice In Nigeria And Africa.

" OLE, OLE, OLE! " she screamed. I was stunned, too dazed to move. I did not think she would care so much, It was just one cup! I was too hungry to run, I could suffer a few slaps, some knocks on the head, a flogging at most at the hands of the area boys; none of that matches the worms eating away at my intestines. I should be in school by now, other kids went to school, I see them every morning on their merry way to school. Their uniforms looking so smart and beautiful.  I wish I could wear beautiful uniforms and go to school too, I wish I had a mom and dad who loves me, I wish I had a house and a bed, I wish I had food.

Something hit me on the head, I felt myself fall. I try to open my eyes, her cry had been taken up by multiple other voices. " OLE, OLE, OLE! " they chanted angrily, they were upon me. I have been beaten several times before, but not like this. The pain was unbearable, the whips, the sticks, the stones, the wires, the chains. I cried, normally when you are beaten and you cry the beating stopped, but not today. They dragged me around hit me everywhere, I felt wet all over. It was not water, it was blood. My blood, I cried even louder hoping it would make them stop.

I struggled up on my knees and begged. Blood in my eyes made it difficult to see, but I could make out a few faces. Familiar faces, faces filled with hate and disgust. Why won't they help me? Why aren't they doing anything? Why are they killing me? Some of them were holding their phones in their hands taking pictures of me. No one had ever taken my picture before. " OLE, OLE, OLE! " they chanted some more even louder than before. They sounded like the church near the park where I sleep during one of their numerous vigils and crusades. They always woke me up every morning with their prayers.

I have always wanted to go and pray to God, maybe he would give me food, and parents, and uniforms and cute little school bags, but they always drove me away. Beggars are not allowed inside the church, I guess I was not a child of God. The other kids wore beautiful clothes to church every Sunday, I have only this raggedy shirt and pants with many eyes on the buttocks. God would not like me, I am dirty. But if only he would give me a chance, He gave the other kids everything and gave me nothing. One of my assailants tied up my hands and legs. That was completely unnecessary because my whole body was numb now. I could not run even if I wanted to, my hands and legs did not look like mine anymore, they had several bumps and so much blood.

I kept crying for help. " Bring tire! Bring tire! " one of them yelled. One was rolled up in no time. They put it around my neck, I cried even more. I knew what was coming. I had seen it several times before, this was the end. But I am just a child. Another one ran up with a jar and poured its contents all over me. The cold soothing feeling it brought was a little relief. The last one I was to receive in this cruel world, this was it. I did not see the fire coming. Someone must have eagerly struck a match. All my cries for help were drowned in their gleeful cheers for my cleansing. But I only wanted something to eat.

Fire! My skin peeled away. my hair turned to ash. I had no strength to struggle but my body struggled anyway. I lay down in the pool of my own blood, petrol and fire. This must be the hell the preachers always talked about. " OLE, OLE, OLE! " their hateful chants continued. Suddenly their voices faded away, my wounds stopped hurting. The fire lost its sting, I was not hungry anymore, peace, quiet, darkness was the closest experience I can relate. #StopJungleJustice

How To Quickly Run Windows XP On An iPhone Without Jailbreaking

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How To Quickly Run Windows XP On An iPhone Without Jailbreaking
How To Quickly Run Windows XP On An iPhone Without Jailbreaking

Are you that iPhone user tired of using only iPhone to do all kinds of iPhone stuff? You need not worry no more, all you have to do is to quickly check out this boredom cure that i have brought forward to you that
 Lets You Install And Run Windows XP on an iPhone 7 without Jailbreaking your iPhone. It is just a whole lot of fun that you just need a taste of it.
The technique on How To Quickly Run Windows XP On An iPhone Without Jailbreaking simply involves side-loading an app through Xcode and then running an emulator to pull up Windows. Well, it is not easy as explained On Github, you will need to be able to write C or C++ and generally be willing to play around with messy code. Aside that, you will not be able to do much in the operating system i.e WindowsXP that will be now be running on your iPhone device, because emulators gobble up a lot of processing power, amsure you know what i mean. But still, it is indeed a fun party trick, assuming you go to really nerdy parties as well as geeky ones also.
Below is a quick video that shows how the whole How To Quickly Run Windows XP On An iPhone Without Jailbreaking works, and Here’s The Github Page for the project.