Where Is The Nigerian / African Race Heading To?

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Where Is The Nigerian / African Race Heading To?
Where Is The Nigerian / African Race Heading To?
I made a post some while ago pointing out some flaws and poor decision making of some Jewish ancestors and their customs. You can't believe that my timeline was literally lit on fire for 3 good days by people trying to defend the ancient Jews and their way of life, well that is their cup of tea anyway.

I left Facebook that day around past 1:00 AM in the morning and woke up to 73 notifications by 6:30 AM I was shocked because it is been a while I saw such on my account.
I had to turn off notifications from that post to catch a breather and preserve my sanity.

Sadly though, none of these people were Jews, can you imagine. They were all my fellow country men and women, Nigerians for that matter. To them, they were defending their Christian faith, Which was really weird and ironic because the post never mentioned 'Jesus', the supposed founder of the Christian religion anywhere in it. I don't think they noticed though.

A lot of Nigerians do not realize that most of what they call religion today is actually the culture and traditions of another race from another time. Ideally, that is how religion works everywhere around the world. A people's religion is interwoven with their history, culture, traditions, folklores, and legends.

gods are supposed to resemble the people they represent. That is why after the Romans adopted Christianity as their state religion, they had to change the image of Christ into a white man. There was no way in hell the white man was going to bow down to some middle eastern colored fella.

But down here, we are a mentally enslaved people.
A people with a lost identity.
A demonized identity.
A whole nation of people who despise their own image and cultural heritage.
A nation that does not even teach it's own history in its schools.
Instead, keeps fighting over which foreign culture it should indoctrinate it's children with; the Arab culture or the Jewish culture, both wrapped up in the guise of religion.

At the end of the day, we have kids who know everything about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, down to Moses before they can even read. Who then grow up into adults who can not trace their own family tree back to the last five generations. Most do not even know the road to their villages as term 'My village people' now means 'My enemies'. Some can not speak or even understand their own local dialects anymore. Why should they? Our ancestors were all evil devil worshiping heathens. Nothing like the holy and saintly Jewish ancestors who could do no wrong.

This is why most Nigerians think that defending the bible, the Jewish history book, and all that is written inside it, be it good or bad, is a juxtaposition of defending Jesus Christ. This is why the IPOB keeps trying to trace their ancestry to Israel (and you laugh at their stupidity). This is why a Nigerian Muslim would readily kill a fellow Nigerian if he insulted the Arab culture. Religion, culture; we can not tell the difference. We do not know the difference.

If I made a post right now criticizing notable Nigerian ancestors, say Princess Inikpi of Igala, King JaJa of Opobo, Queen Amina of Zazzau or Princess Moremi Ajasoro of Oduduwa kingdom, it wouldn't raise a single spec of dust! and you know am speaking the truth. Hell, half the people on my list won't even know who these people are let alone come out to defend them or their ideologies. On the long run, this is how lost and confused we are right now.

Like a certain Indian friend keeps telling me, " Eze, your country will not grow until your people learn to be proud of their roots and develop a sense of national pride ". And to be sincere, I totally believe him. Because Nigerians, we do not have a goddamned clue who we are anymore, am seriously speaking.

I get scared when I think about our future as a people. At the pace with which we are losing ourselves, in about 100 years time to come, our identity, our languages, and what's left of our culture will be totally forgotten, mark my words. I would have said they will be history, but we do not even study our own history.


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