Africans, How Fair Is Our Religiousness?

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Africans, How Fair Is Our Religiousness?
Africans, How Fair Is Our Religiousness?

As much as I hold a contrary view to the popular religious beliefs in this country Nigeria ( I have been told I am an atheist), I am still one hundred percent pro-choice regardless. I believe that everyone deserves equal freedom of choice to believe in whatever they want to believe in, as long as they are not hurting anyone or posing a nuisance to others in the process. You can choose to believe in unicorns if you wish, you can also choose to believe that unicorns live in shoes.

But the day you start dictating to others how to wear their shoes so they do not upset the unicorns, that is when I have a serious problem with you and your fantasies. The level of religious intolerance in this country Nigeria is just ridiculous! And most times we like to blame the Muslims for it, but what about the Christians? Are they any better? Most times, Christians do not even realize how inappropriate or annoying some of their actions are.

From that church behind your house that does not allow you to sleep at night with their incessant babbling, to the early morning preacher who always wakes you up a couple hours before your alarm clock to tell you how you are damned and going to hell, to the harassing chain messages on Facebook and Whatsapp that threatens you with seven years of bad luck and misfortune if you do not accept Jesus Christ as your lord and personal Savior... the list is endless.

Now Here Is One Practical Example!

Every last Friday of the month, the market in my town is not opened for business till about noon. The reason is, the Christians lock the whole place down so they can cast and bind every evil spirit in the market hindering their progress ( Because demons actually play a crucial role in the economic retardation of a nation SMH ). Now, it does not matter what religion you affiliate with, or whether you do not even have one at all, Everyone is forced to stay outside until prayers are over. If this is not religious intolerance, I don't know what is.

Supposing a bunch of traditional African religious faithful decided to also pull a stunt like that? Supposing they set aside a certain Afor market day every month to sacrifice cattle to Eru the god of wealth and success, to ask for his divine favors right in front of the market place, thus disrupting business activities for hours. Just imagine the amount of hostility they would be met with? The Christians would rather burn the whole place to the ground before they allow such a thing to happen. Think about it for a moment, and tell me in all honesty if it's fair. Now I leave you here to answer for yourself.


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