Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn

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Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn
Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn
As we all know today, present people of our world today i.e both young and old, cannot imagine their lives without the use of social networks, and the funny thing is that, as the days go by, more and more new social networks keep springing up on a high scale. Nevertheless, a lot of applications for smartphones have also been created to easily enable people like me and you to connect with new friends and equally keep in touch with existing ones we also have. So on the other hand, while enjoying the endless possibilities offered by these social networks, ensure you do not forget to be security conscious as well.

Do you know that every time you create a new profile on any social network at all, you automatically put your personal data in jeopardy even without you knowing? All internet users should be extra careful. Well, some people may say that the safest way to protect your personal information is to completely abandon the social networks, but you do not need to make such sacrifices, not at all. All you have to do is just to take responsibility for your own safety and security which I have carefully documented in this post Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp below:

Do Not Share Your Personal Information On Social Media/Network. (Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
Do Not Share Your Personal Information On Social Media/Network.
(Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)

1.  Do Not Share Your Personal Information On Social Media/Network.

A social networks user easily reveals many aspects of his/her life to strangers with him or her knowing. Most times ill-wishers easily get information that should have never fall into their hands just with ease by easily going through your social media profile. You seriously have to make a conscious effort to always keep your sensitive information off the internet as a whole to protect yourself against this menace. So without wasting much time, let me quickly list some of the things or information that you should not share on the social media or social network
  • Your social security number. (Do not even disclose the last 4 digits of the social security number).
  • Your home address.
  • Your date of birth.
  • Your phone number (Except it is a phone you use to communicate with business partners).
  • Your PIN codes, passwords, information on credit cards and bank accounts.
I myself will recommend you that you do not disclose your country of birth because, with it, it can easily help scammers get your social security number and other personal information when it is tweaked. However, on most social networks, one can have the option of disclosing personal information to only a group of trusted people, well you can use this function if you wish. If there is none, I will advise you not to enter such information at all.

Ensure You Tune The Privacy Settings Of Your Social Media/Network. (Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
Ensure You Tune The Privacy Settings Of Your Social Media/Network.
(Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)

2. Ensure You Tune The Privacy Settings Of Your Social Media/Network.

So another important tip to remember and also have at the tip your finger is to never stick with using your default settings on your social media or social network; users, on the other hand, can customize these settings to easily control privacy, now you know. So do not be too lazy to explore the options of the social media site regarding personal data and ensure you properly tune the options you find there because it is in your own interest. Basically, just limit the parameters that put you at risk by choosing the groups of social network users who are allowed to learn more about you. That way you will be able to hide your photos, publications and even people in your contact list as well. On some social media sites, one can even choose an option that keeps your social network page private and makes sure it does not fall into search results either on the social media site or on search engines. So ensure you periodically check the privacy settings of your social network page. Nevertheless, even if you have been using the social media site for a very long time, new useful opportunities can be added thus giving you more rooms to fine tune your privacy settings on your social network account.

Ensure You Do Not Reveal Information About Your Work Experience On LinkedIn Social Media/Network. (Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
Ensure You Do Not Reveal Information About Your Work Experience On LinkedIn Social Media/Network.
(Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
3. Ensure You Do Not Reveal Information About Your Work Experience On LinkedIn Social Media/Network.

 If you do not know, it is even better not to show other Internet users a summary with full information about you, as this will be in fact a real treasure for the scammers who could take a loan in the bank using your name, period. However, on social network LinkedIn there are some existing functions that allow restricting personal information. Other LinkedIn users will not be able to see your contacts if you do not want them to. This is, in fact, a very useful option for recruiters and salespersons who want to hide their business connections from competitors as the case may be. So if getting a job is your goal right now, it may be difficult to achieve this without revealing certain important information to potential employers so you can allow this option for only a certain period of time on your LinkedIn social network page. Once you get a job, remember to quickly restrict these options again to keep you on the safer side. I will advise you to put up only enough data to get recruiters interested in you, they can always and easily contact you directly for further discussion of prospective opportunities if there is any.

Ensure You Better Verify Than Trust On Your Social Media/Network (Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
Ensure You Better Verify Than Trust On Your Social Media/Network
(Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn

4. Ensure You Better Verify Than Trust On Your Social Media/Network

As we all know, presently on social networks, you tend to find a lot of social media users who exploit impersonate people for various reasons best known to them. Some of this social network users basically do it for fun, and even go a long way to impersonate popular people; so be always sure to protect your personal information on your social media page. However, some social network users impersonate others for very wrong reasons. Fake social media accounts are created for insulting and deceiving other social network users. On the other hand, vulgar photographs or advertisements can also be sent on the victim's behalf. Some scammers even go a long way to spread web links to malicious sites using other people’s profiles information. The important questions that come to mind are: How do you check the details on a page and establish the true identity of its user? How do you identify an actual profile and a scammer? Should you visit a proposed sites? Consider the content that a person publishes, look for unusual or abnormal signs that are not relatable to your real friend existing on the social network. If there is something fishy about their social media account, avoid them as fast as you can. Morealso you can as well contact your friend by phone or email to verify if they are really the ones operating the social network account.

Ensure You Control The Comments On Your Social Media/Network. (Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
Ensure You Control The Comments On Your Social Media/Network.
(Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn

5. Ensure You Control The Comments On Your Social Media/Network.

Most times on blogs, one has the option to leave either an anonymous or registered comments, and sometimes people write comments using other people's names reasons best know to them. If you see that someone has used your identity to express his/her opinion, immediately contact the administrators of such blog for assistance, so that such comments can quickly be deleted in no time.

Always Ensure You Do Not Disclose Your Private Life On Your Social Media/Network. (Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn)
Always Ensure You Do Not Disclose Your Private Life On Your Social Media/Network.
(Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn

6. Always Ensure You Do Not Disclose Your Private Life On Your Social Media/Network

 Always remember not to be too open and free with strangers on your social media account. Think about it once more, if you were opportune to leave an announcement at the entrance of your home announcing that you are not home, it would certainly increase the likelihood of you getting robbed, right? The same logic can be applied in microblogs just the same. Some people do not get enough interactions in real life, so they most time use the Internet as the means to meet their social needs all the way, and tend to drop very revealing messages with the details of their personal lives; but such information can easily fall into the wrong hands as we may have it. So always ensure to control yourself and do not reveal things that can be used against you later on. Over time you can end up creating a page with so much information that put you at risk. At first, such posts could seem harmless, but when accumulated it becomes a weapon which may be used to destroy you later. Ill-wishers will know everything about your family, the places you visit and your regular schedule if you always put up posts about them. People often publish messages about being at parties. After taking alcohol, a person thinks less about what he writes and could end up publishing intimate photos and other very personal content which can easily hit the worldwide web just with few clicks away; all these should be avoided, not to allow stories that touch the heart.

Routinely Look For Information About Yourself On The Internet. Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn
Routinely Look For Information About Yourself On The Internet.Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn
7. Routinely Look For Information About Yourself On The Internet.

At your time, you can routinely run a search on your name on the Google search line or any search engine you lay your hands on and see how other internet users see your accounts on social networks. This is, in fact, the easiest way to understand what information is available about yourself. If you do not like something you see, you can visit your social media account and change your personal settings concerning what you see and do not like. Furthermore, such checks should be conducted about once or twice a month. So if you notice that your name often appears on a website that you do not usually visit or has nothing to do with, it is indeed a signal that someone somewhere is using your personal data for fraudulent purposes as the case may be. Morealso, on Google, you can easily set up an alert or trigger that will signal you if your name is found on any website. If you have a popular name, there may be a couple of false alerts anyway, but you will however, be insured. Ensure to view the photos in the profiles that you received messages about. If your pictures were not used, then there are fewer reasons to worry about.

Ensure Not To Violate The Rules Of Using The Internet At Work. Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn
Ensure Not To Violate The Rules Of Using The Internet At Work.Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn

8. Ensure Not To Violate The Rules Of Using The Internet At Work.

From time to time, am sure you have heard about cases where some employees were properly punished for inappropriate activities on the Internet. To make long hours in the workplace less boring, a lot of people tend to visit social networks or media as the case may be. So if you are one of them, take into account that this act may not correspond with the rules of your company and with such behaviours could land you in a very big trouble that you will find hard to get out. This is not just because you do not perform the work for which you are paid for, but the bosses could be afraid of leaking internal office or organisational information. The safety of corporate data at the moment is one of the most important security issues faced around the world today. So companies are looking for a way to protect themselves as well. Confidential data and customer contacts can fall into the hands of mischief makers so always avoid public statements about your company or organisation; an organization could lose money, clients and even their good reputation if wrong information concerning them is posted or published on the internet.

Do Not Be Scared To Find Out How Website Owners Use Your Data.Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn
9. Do Not Be Scared To Find Out How Website Owners Use Your Data.

For most of you that don't know, no fee is charged for the use of social networks, advertising is the source of income for the owners, now you know. However, information gathered about social media users can be transferred to external partners for a fee so it is better to read the privacy policy, terms and condition of a social network and carefully study the settings. When one owner sells a social network to another, your personal information is also part of their deal. In such situations, social network users sometimes have to make privacy statements, as new owners may have plans to use the data in ways that you would not like. So ensure you re-read the user agreement when the page’s ownership changes.
So finally, be careful and use these Latest: Social Media Safety And Security Tips On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn at all times, by that doing the time you spend on the Internet will bring you only benefits and pleasure.

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