Tipping Point - By Sunny Arome

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Tipping Point - By Sunny Arome
Tipping Point - By Sunny Arome
Oh friendship, where do you lead?
Do thy plans include making me a carcass for the vultures to feed on?
Do you ponder on ways to squeeze breath out of me?
Does your heart dig deep into dark realms where you imagine my body parts scattered across the continents of the world?

Well, I know you would beg to differ but…Perhaps a little tickling of your memory will suffice.

Can you remember how sleep drained from your eyes at midnight, Christmas Eve and you gazed at me as I lay slumbering, your mind plunged into realms where you imagined using a twist drill to bore holes in my skull, you also imagined tying me as I slept and casting my feet in concrete…you smiled as you threw me into the Mediterranean Sea in your mind… you smiled scornfully?

Don’t try to lie to me, I know you well enough…the world says we’re inseparable coz they see the supposed good deeds you display as we socialize, they say, “these lads are the definition of true friendship.” But these people are like goats who see special care given to their fat kindred, they say, “these chaps are lead to eat the sumptuous and greenest grasses while we are left to toil with stubborn grasses” but they do not know that their fat chaps are being prepared for slaughtering. They are unaware of the fate that would soon befall them.

Oh friendship, what good can come out of your belly?
The streets light up with songs of praise for you but you are a dunghill on the inside, an infectious disease that if let to fester will reach a point where death takes effect and successively becomes a doorway to further torture. 

You say great and beautiful things but your heart disagrees. You curse and curse and curse even harder, saying things that add no value to others but instead sucks the life out of people.

People plunge into debt, some even die and you make a jest of them, you weep for joy but you come like a friend indeed and pretend to care. You say you wish you could lessen their pain but instead your itchy hands want to tear their bereaved hearts to pieces.

Oh friendship, what can you offer?
Do you muse on ways to drain blood out of my veins as you idly lay on your King size bed?
Does your heart nurse hatred in its loins, do you easefully submerge yourself in dark waters, places of loneness where evil lurks and often strives to take complete hold of you?
Or does your heart seldom want the best for me?

Are there scarce moments where you look at me and love envelopes your heart completely, moments where you look to the stars and see me shining alongside them, times where you look at the brightness of the morning and remember my pleasant smile?

I wonder If such times do exist but if they do, then I urge you to hold them in high regard, coz my heart has for long considered you a worm to be removed and thrown into blazing fire but if perhaps there is a minute part of you that is good, then I reckon you can one day draw light from your good memories.

Oh friendship, what is your end?
Are you all that I’ve grown to believe you are, or could you possibly be a potential bundle of Joy?
Can you ever be ready to prove me wrong and right your wrongs?
Is it possible that you now revel in trying to bring happiness to my plunged heart, are you a growing source of strength for the hapless?

Well, whatever you think, whatever you cogitate. Whatever you ponder on, whatever you cerebrate.

Remember, oh friendship that if you can be true, you will be invincible, and no matter the extent of fall, you will rise up again but before then… Dear friendship, we must part ways because your end for me is DOOM.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8 (NIV).

About The Writer

Sunny Arome
Sunny Arome
Arome Sunny, is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State. He has been writing for a while now and his writings cuts across poems, inspirational write-up, drama etc, he enjoys translating his imaginations and thoughts into writing for the benefit of mankind.
You can reach Arome Sunny on:
Facebook: @Arome Ojima Sunny.
Instagram: @Xclusiv___sunny.
Email: sunnyarome@gmail.com


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