BBQ Ideas: How To Have A Gut-Friendly Barbecue & Stay Healthy This Season.

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BBQ Ideas: How To Have A Gut-Friendly Barbecue & Stay Healthy This Season.
BBQ Ideas: How To Have A Gut-Friendly Barbecue & Stay Healthy This Season.

Just because its grilling season does not mean you have to wake up with a swollen stomach. Here are some tips to help your digestive system when eating a feast. There is nothing as human and primal as taking down a bumper pack of sausages while under the influence of lighter-fluid fumes, cheap beer and sunstroke.

Its Barbecue season, but all these adventures can cause major havoc to our digestive systems the next morning. So how do you not wake with a bloated stomach and have a healthier berbecue? below is the tips on BBQ Ideas: How To Have A Gut-Friendly Barbecue & Stay Healthy This Season.

Go Big On The Vegetables (Vegies).
Go Big On The Vegetables (Vegies).
Go Big On The Vegetables (Vegies).
At this time we are tempted to load it up with sausages, burgers, chicken wings and lamb chops. But If we were to have the same mind set to the variety of vegetables we serve up as to the meat, there would be more balance and variety in our gut microbiota – these are good and bad bacteria, funguses and parasites that inhabit our gut , and they have been linked to better health in our gut. If you take the same fruit and veg daily, there would be a decrease in the range of your microbiota, so get creative and take advantage of the vegetable skewers. “If you want to increase gut microbe diversity, you should try and have 30 different plant-based foods a week.” says dietitian Megan Rossi.

Take A Walk Before The Barbecue
Take A Walk Before The Barbecue 
Take A Walk Before The Barbecue 
The founder of The Food Treatment Clinic and a dietitian Kirsten Jackson explains it has been shown that relaxation and exercise improves your digestive health and that poor gut microbiota is connected to poor mental health and stress. She says “Doing a daily walk of 30 minutes can help to reduce those stress levels and to improve your microbiota,”. Just don’t think of it as walking to improve your appetite but rather a walk to improve digestive health.


 Always Eat Breakfast
Always Eat Breakfast

Always Eat Breakfast
Jackson warns to beware of falling into the trap of eating nothing for breakfast so as to save yourself for the barbecue lunch.– this may seem like being virtuous, but your gut microbiota will not be thanking you for this choice because according to jackson “at lunch time you’ll be very hungry, so you’ll eat more than you would if you’d eaten breakfast – and this is likely to have even bigger impact on your gut,”.

Stay Off The Buns
Stay Off The Buns
If you have got IBS, you may be sensitive to high Fodmap containing food – Fodmaps are ferment-able carbohydrates that are broken down by your microbiota. The process creates a lot of gas in some people making the following day very uncomfortable. Buns made from wheat that are used for burger are at the top of the list high Fodmap foods and seeing how easy it is to eat two or more during the course of berbecueing “that can have a quite dramatic effect” says jackson.

So do have a nice Barbecue and enjoy the season!

Shisha: 3 Things That Happens To You When You Smoke Shisha

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Shisha: 3 Things That Happens To You When You Smoke Shisha
Shisha: 3 Things That Happens To You When You Smoke Shisha
If you smoke shisha everyday, this is what happens to you;
Shisha has been banned in Kenya after concerns have been raised by some health. It was a common sight in Kenya especially in entertainment joints to find people smoking the product. But those participating had no idea what they were getting themselves into smoking this product.

These are some of the things that happen to shisha smokers;
First of all using the product itself is unhygienic and increases your chances if getting an infection. Through the sharing of smoking pipes, your health is put at risk as many shisha smokers normally end up with mouth diseases. Sharing pipes now many seem safe but you never know what could happen to you in the long run.

Secondly, smokers also increase their chances of suffering from cancer.
Using the product for long tends to make it more likely for an individual to suffer from cancer. It is highly advisable to stop smoking for the sake of your lungs because your life is put in danger by the continuous accumulation of smoke into your lungs. The risk even gets higher when you decided to take it up a notch by smoking more quantities of shisha on a daily basis.

Thirdly, you can also suffer from heart-related diseases simply because anytime you smoke your gear gets weaker. So avoid too much smoking or better still stop it completely if you want to keep your heart healthy and not suffer from heart complications in the future.

HIV & AIDS: Scientists Pleased With New HIV Vaccine Human Tests.

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 HIV & AIDS: Scientists Pleased With New HIV Vaccine Human Tests.
 HIV & AIDS: Scientists Pleased With New HIV Vaccine Human Tests.

Researchers advice cautious optimism as experimental treatment goes on to next level of testing. After a trial HIV vaccine showed promising results in tests on humans, Scientists are cautious optimistic. A recent study published in medical journal The Lancet examined the effects of the vaccine on test subject numbering 393 that were chosen from East Africa, South Africa, Thailand and the US from 12 HIV clinics. One group was given a placebo while Seven groups were administered different combinations of the vaccine.

The subjects all responded by producing some kind of immunity against HIV in the course of the test. A study carried out on the side by researchers, rhesus monkeys were tested with strains of the vaccine for resistance test against the simian-human immunodeficiency virus, a disease that affects monkeys and is similar to HIV.

The most effective of the vaccine combination protected 67 per cent of the monkeys that were tried as that gave a positive result a second testing is now being conducted on a group of 2,600 women in sub-Saharan Africa. A principal investigator and professor at harvard medical school Dr Dan H Barouch, said he was pleased with the research but advised that the results should be treated with care. As he told CNN, “I would say that we are pleased with these data so far, but we have to interpret the data cautiously”. He also added “We have to acknowledge that developing an HIV vaccine is an unprecedented challenge, and we will not know for sure whether this vaccine will protect humans.” 

About 37 million people are said to be living with either HIV or Aids worldwide , out of which more than two million are children. As reported by UNAIDS , an estimated 1.8 million people worldwide contact the virus each meaning about meaning about 5,000 new cases every day. Even though treatment for the virus have been greatly improved since the early 1980s when the disease was officially identified a vaccine has eluded humans. A drug pre-exposure prophylaxis, could prevent HIV transfer sexually , experts suggests it could prevent one in four cases but the drug must be taken on a regular basis, unlike a vaccine, to prevent the user from contracting the virus.

List Of New Hand Luggage Items To Be Banned On Flights From The UK

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List Of New Hand Luggage Items To Be Banned On Flights From The UK
List Of New Hand Luggage Items To Be Banned On Flights From The UK

Items used on a daily basis like:
  • make-up
  • baby powder
  • coffee 
  • spices etc.
May be banned from hand luggage on flights from the UK, according to a new report. 

The government of England is making a list of new items that must be put on hold from leaving the UK. This follows similar bans introduced in the US, Australia and New Zealand last month. The new rule was adopted after Australian officials were rocked by a failed plan to blow up an Ethiad flight leaving Sydney for AbuDhabi last year. There could have been a major terror attack if only the suitcase was not abandoned at the check-in may be cause it was too heavy. 

Reports said that the new rule could bring powders under the same ban as liquids. Powders would be restricted to 12 ounces or 56 grams and further security checks would be done on them. The ban on liquids was introduced after the 9/11 incident. This new rules could mean longer lines at airport security posts which adds to worries that the new UK passport that is blue in colour will increase queues at border control. There was no comment on the report by the department of transport. The sophisticated device was sent by the Islamic State from Syria to a terror cell in Sydney in a meat mincer. "It is for each country to determine its own security measures based on its own assessments” said the spokes man. "We work closely with all our international partners to keep aviation security under constant review."

An associate professor in risk, resilience and corporate security at the University of Northampton, by name Mils Hills said: " these extra restrictions in itself are not going to create a lot of disruption at airport security but it could have the potential to add to general concerns by the public about the safety of flying. These are actually reactive, not proactive, they should before you even get to the airport, it is only the Tel Aviv airport that does that. You have a bomb in your bag and take a look at the crowds trying to get through security, its a little late when a terrorist is already in the airport. Security have to be lucky all the time but a terrorist only has to be lucky once so don’t give them a hard time because they are only trying to do their jobs.

Global Warming: Worse Than Was Thought

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Global Warming: Worse Than Was Thought
Global Warming: Worse Than Was Thought
Green Sahara Desert, polar caps collapsing, a rise in sea level by 20-foot new study reveals that these may be what will be in store for us in the future. The potential future climate models predicted for our planet may just be less than what is actually going to happen. New analysis show that global warming may turn out to be twice what current projections estimate.

The research which was done by scientists from 17 countries, and was published last week, paints a bad picture of what influence global warming has on the future of Earth. This is even if the world meet the Climate Agreement of Paris, signed in December 2015 as the global plan of action with the goal to reduce global warming to 2°C degrees Celsius (i.e. 3.6°F degrees Fahrenheit) above that of the pre-industrial levels. As put by the study co-author Alan Mix, the Paris agreement which President of the united state Donald Trump has already dropped out of in year 2017. May not even be enough to steer the planet away from a destructive path.

As a fact, the rise in global sea level alone can bring to the earth disastrous consequences. “We should expect the sea-level rise could become unstoppable for a millennia, which would greatly impact the world’s population, infrastructure and economic activity,” said professor Mix of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences of the Oregon State University. These conclusions were made from investigations into the history of the natural global warming of our planet which can help detained the possible scenarios of the future. For them to see what the future holds for our planet, they looked as far back as 3.5 million years back and analyzed three warm periods.

These were some of the best global warming periods in the Earth’s existence that are documented These are:

1. The Holocene thermal maximum (which took place 5,000 to 9,000 years ago).

2. The last inter-glacial (that happened between 129,000 and 116,000 years ago)

3. The mid-Pliocene warm period (recorded About some 3.3-3 million years ago).

At all these times, Earth’s climate was 0.5°C to 2°C degrees Celsius warmer than that of the pre-industrial 19th Century. The first two, more recent, global warming events were brought about by changes in earth's orbit. But the mid-Pliocene global warming, was triggered by carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the atmosphere, at concentrations of 350 to 450 parts per million — which is more or less what we have today.

Dire Effects
Taking a look at the  various assessments pertaining the paleoclimate methods, which are the measurements of atomic isotopes which are used for dating , polar ice caps,  sediment layers and fossil records coupled with the three warming periods the team got a good idea of what was to happen. They found  that the climate change in the Earth’s past produced an array of tragic consequences, that started  with the collapse of polar ice caps, the major gathering of ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland,  the rise of sea levels by at least 20 feet and a major change in marine ecosystem caused by significant redistribution of planktons only to mention a few.

Maybe the most fascinating of them was the Sahara desert becoming greener , a decline of high altitude forest species and the tropical forest giving way to the fire dominated savanna. It was also revealed in the study that these effects were strengthened by what they are calling "amplifying mechanisms" which were not accurately shown in climate models which makes the problem worse than we expected. Prof. Hubertus Fischer the study lead and an expert in climate and environmental physics at Switzerland university of Bern said “Observations of past warming periods suggest that a number of amplifying mechanisms, which are poorly represented in climate models, increase long-term warming beyond climate model projections”. What does this mean for the Earths future? Seeing as  the Earth now is warming  much more faster than it did during any of the three global warming events mention in the past, and CO2 emissions caused by humans are on the increase and as at April  reached a 60-year high the future of the Earth is looking foggy.

As the study states even if we happen to end emissions now, the Earth will not attain atmospheric stability until after centuries or even millennia. “This suggests the carbon budget to avoid 2°C of global warming may be far less than estimated, leaving very little room for error to meet the Paris targets,” Fischer pointed out. The Fault With Current Climate Models. So what is the problem with our climate models. As put by study co-author Prof. Katrin Meissner, these climate models do the job when used for short term effects of climate but you have to adjust the equation to factor in more persistent effects that is when these prediction “underestimate climate change” Meissner said  who is the head at the Climate Change Research Center New South Wales university  in Australia. “Even if we have just 2 degrees of warming  and even  potentially just 1.5°C degrees there would still be major impacts on the Earth ”. Current climate models are good for little changes like low emissions over a short period, maybe over the next few decades up to 2100 but  as the changes begin to get larger and more persistent, either due to higher emissions it appears these models underestimate climate change.

Al-Shabaab Terrorist To Ban Single Use Of Plastic Bags In Somalia.

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Al-Shabaab Terrorist To Ban Single Use Of Plastic Bags In Somalia.
Al-Shabaab Terrorist To Ban Single Use Of Plastic Bags In Somalia.

A ban has been put by Al Qaeda-backed terrorist group Al-Shabaab on the use of plastic bags saying “it poses a serious threat to humans and animals”. Over the years, the terrorist group in East Africa that pledged loyalty to Al-Qaeda has placed bans on music, satellite dishes, humanitarian organizations and cinema and most recently added a new item on the list of banned stuff plastic bags.

People living in the areas controlled by the terrorist group will no longer be able to use plastic bags because of the dangers it poses to the environment. This announcement by a group known for killing and maiming thousands with suicide attacks has prompted a lot of mocking memes online with some calling the group the first eco-friendly terrorists. The statement on the ban on use of plastic bags was released online a pro-shabaab website believed to be to group’s media outlet. 

An audio record was broadcasted on the website from Mohammed Abu Abdullah, the governor of Al-shabaab in the jubaland region saying that “plastic bags pose a serious threat to the health of humans and animals alike” and this statement was also repeated on twitter via a post by a Al-shabaab associated account. The message was also aired on radio andalus the groups radio station. The founder of the investigative dossier radio show and co-author of inside Al-shabaab Harun Maruf explained in a post on twitter that the militant group has issued a general directive banning the use of plastic bags, and has given reasons for this being environmental and health risks to livestock. He added that the group did not ban bombings, assassinations targeting civilians. 

A medical student in Mogadishu Mohammed Abdullaahi Ali, was one of the Somalis who found this decision bizarre. “I heard they banned plastic bags via social media,” said Ali in an interview “I see it as a good decision but they should ask themselves why they ban humanitarian workers operating in Al-Shabaab held areas?” he also added “I don’t know why sanitation and health of the environment is important but that of the workers.” 

6 Six Sunscreen Mistakes You Could Be Making This Summer.

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6 Six Sunscreen Mistakes You Could Be Making This Summer.
6 Six Sunscreen Mistakes You Could Be Making This Summer.

Many people are enjoying the hot weather and spending a lot of time out doors even though most of them would use sunscreen before going out there are a lot of mistakes they could be making without knowing.

Experts are warning that any level of sunburn is going to cause irreparable damage. Gillian Nuttall the founder of the charity melanoma UK said any can increase the risk of melanoma she reveals the six mistakes people may be making with their sunscreen.

1. Low Factor Sunscreen.
Gillian said that this is a very common mistake. People normally apply more and more of the low factor sunscreen they use thinking using more provides better protection but don’t know that is not the case. 

2. Forgetting ears and soles.
These areas  tend to be forgotten. She told mailonline: think about it when people sunbath on the front the soles of the feet face the sun but they don’t ever think to protect them. "Another  area that is always missed is the tops of ears . people have had their whole ears removed following  melanoma on the ear."

3. Going outside without any sunscreen on.
Some people only apply sunscreen when they feel burned and do not do that before going out in the first place. These people put themselves at risk. As soon as skin turns pink in the sun the damage is already done and lis irrepairable said Gillian. " In an attempt to make the tender skin feel better You can apply after sun as much as you like when you've caught the sun but after your skin turns pink, the damage has already been done and is irrepairable” said Gillian.

4. Leaving sunscreen until last minute.
You need to apply sunscreen at least twenty minutes before you go out so that it can be fully absorbed as this makes the protection provided by the sunscreen more effective.

5. Not applying enough sunscreen on children.
It is important parents make sure their Childrens' skin are protected from sunburn as it is very delicate make sure children are protected. Children skin is lighter than that of adults and is at more risk. Sunburn at childhood also increases the risk of skin cancer later in life. Two table spoons are recommended for the body and two tablespoons for the head and neck region.

6. Not using sunscreen when it is cloudy.
It is adviced that suncreen be use all year round and not only on sunny days when its hot. Dr Jennifer Crawley a child farm paediatric dermatologist told mailonline that sunburn just once in two years triples the chances of one getting melanoma because damaging UVA and UVB rays can still be absorbed on cooler days.

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HIV AIDS: Human Test Of HIV Vaccine Delivers Promising Result

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HIV AIDS: Human Test Of HIV Vaccine Delivers Promising Result
HIV AIDS: Human Test Of HIV Vaccine Delivers Promising Result
Human test of the HIV vaccine delivers promising results. Infections from multiple strains of the HIV virus might be prevented through this vaccine been produced. A team of scientists led by Harvard University in the quest to prevent HIV has indeed  made a tremendous and important progress. There has been early success testing a multi-strain vaccine in humans. All the people who received the HIV vaccine had at least a kind of anti-HIV immune system response, with more than 80% percent showing responses that are more advanced as possible. 

It was also found in the research that it was the same HIV vaccine that protected Rhesus monkeys from the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which would suggests that this might be effective against HIV. The group is not saying they have found an effective HIV vaccine. While the Rhesus monkey test is in fact yielding positive results, there is need to have more of the HIV vaccine tests to prove that the vaccine could be effective in fending off the HIV infection in humans. What is to be done next is to test the new HIV vaccine on 2,600 women in the south of the Africa continent who are at risk of contracting the HIV virus. This vaccine is not the only one to ever make it this far in testing, but those that have come this far, were not effective enough to go any further.

However, there is a strong incentive this HIV vaccine would succeed. Unlike before where only the the HIV strains are focused on, this vaccine is a 'mosaic' that multiple strain pieces are added in order to create a more universal drug. If the research is effective doctors could then administer the vaccine on a large scale unlike previous trial vaccines that only worked on a small population even if they had been effective. This does not represent a catch-all solution, but if successful this might land a significant blow in the struggle against HIV as whole.