Horseflies: What To Do When Bitten By A Horsefly

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Horseflies: What To Do When Bitten By A Horsefly
Horseflies: What To Do When Bitten By A Horsefly
Are you finding answers to the below-listed questions:
>>> What are Horseflies
>>> Are Horseflies harmful?
>>> What to do when bitten by a horsefly?
then you are on the right page and your questions will be answered right away.

Horseflies are much larger than regular houseflies we know and when they bite you it can be very painful. The warm weather sees an increase in the number of insects which the horsefly is a part of. Also called Clegs, they possess razor-sharp teeth and bites from them are painful. The Horsefly does not pierce into your skin but cuts into it meaning it will take a longer time for wounds to heal compared to other flies. wounds from horsefly could get infected in some cases due to longer healing time. Reports from known sources say some people also suffer allergies when bitten by a horsefly. So below is everything you need to know about the horsefly, it's bite and how it could be treated.

What Are Horseflies?
Horseflies are big, dark flies with a size of about 1cm-2.5cm. Horseflies are mostly found were cattle and horse stables are, pools, ponds, woodlands, areas with a lot of grasses. Horsefly don't just bite horses though, they will readily attach themselves to any large warm-blooded mammal, humans included. The female Horsefly needs blood to produce eggs so only them bite. Their teeth are jagged and saw-like which will slice open your, then anticoagulants(chemicals that stop blood clotting) are released into the blood.

How To Know You Have Been Bitten By A Horsefly.
You might not want to see what a typical bite from a Horsefly looks like If you are easily disgusted, but for those who are curious there is a photo below the article to show what a bite from a Horsefly looks like. Yes, the bites are painful and can develop into large, red, itchy and swollen bumps in minutes. In most cases, they are harmless but extremely uncomfortable. Others report feeling hot, weak and nauseous. An infected bite from a Horsefly can result in redness, oozing, and extreme pain. If infected please Visit your GP as soon as possible. In some exceptional cases, people suffer allergies and symptoms including dizziness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, a blotchy skin rash and severe swelling, which may be seen on your lips or tongue as the case may be. If any of these symptoms manifest on you, seek medical help immediately.

A Bite From A Horsefly
A Bite From A Horsefly

What To Do When Bitten By A Horsefly?
Keep the bite clean because if bacteria is let into the skin, it may become infected and in rare cases, this causes cellulitis (a bacterial infection of the skin). Clean the wound with some antiseptic and warm water for best results. To help stop the itching, apply an ice pack to the bite area. You can apply over-the-counter steroid cream containing hydrocortisone normally recommended by doctors. Use Ibuprofen gel to help ease the pain and reduce swelling. And lastly, do not scratch the bite. Scratching the bite from a Horsefly won't stop the itching but may damage the skin and increase the risk of an infection being developed, so you just have to bear the itchy feel and do not scratch.

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